Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sun-dried ..........

Mr Sun Shines ..Mr. Golden Sun .. Pls come down on me

My Ahad (Sunday) comes again and this time I have scheduled myself for doing household things with my “assistance” Having my Nescafe first I start my morning. My headband has been put on n also a masker, as I am an allergic to dust. From dirty cloths to sheets and their “friends” were down to be washed and get them back to be a fragrant and clean one, while my “assistance” was on her way on windows stuff. Hope Mr. Sun shine will come d whole day as lately Jakarta is having raining and I don’t want my “works” are delayed caused by no sun shining above our places

1 comment:

SANJAY said...

Hi Lina

Nice to see that along with a good blogger u are good at yr household which nowadays youth keep themself away. From this i also feel that u love nature and give respect to enviorment. WHich is another good quality of yrs..

Keep it up writting nice logic and meaningful blogs..

check u later
