Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stay away from hectic busy style

We just had a fine weekend with one of my friends. She is a professional at her field. I impressed even she is at the top level, she still can spare her time with us had an outing last week with her comfy car.

As a top rank at her office, it has been scheduled that she has to carry many meetings and briefing her organization. But at that time she was different, she spent her best time, enjoyed her life, not in a hurry ….

And within this time, many persons with a level of position as my friend has are being trapped by “never ending hectic busy style”. Even an ordinary employee thinks that they only have a small time, no time for socializing with outsiders – and it does look unsociable, unfriendly. And sometimes we can hear a response “sorry it’s a deadline” so don’t have a time for others.

Is it true that we don’t have a time? I was so grateful that my friend shared her time with us going to Bogor the other days. “ I will pick u up” she said. This friend was really enjoying her life. She refused being trapped by never ending hectic life.

Enjoying life doesn’t mean we are living in relaxation sector. We still working, but no need to be THAT BUSY. As we still can do our work while meeting with friends, lunch or dinner with them even enjoying times with cheerfulness.


Anonymous said...

stuju bu lina,
saya juga berharap bisa selalu meluangkan waktu untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga, juga teman2..

Anonymous said...

hmmm. kalau suka coffee, sy punya banyak, ikutan yah :)

Anonymous said...

aksesjuliana.blogspothmmm. kalau suka coffee, sy punya banyak, ikutan yah :).com

Anonymous said...

saya cuma kuli.. ndak bisa liburan kayak temen njenengan yang top-level manager itu..