Saturday, March 29, 2008

BLESS with UNblessed

Pain is not always a negative force; it is not something that one should always hate. But when it comes to myself it will be different.
Need times n times to heal qalbu n finding d rite time back.
Many tries to consul feeling ..but still d same …pain, suffering, rejection etc etc are still there.

The outcome of being in that situation will be varies: not having sincere tongues, impolite, and it’s hard to have a noble hearts.

However, when we face such difficulties, we should turn the pain into a force of creativity ..(although it’s easy said than done), be nice to them who “created” d situation and start giving. We should believe, those who feel the greatest pain are usually the most tenderhearted. Ameen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mba lin, crita2nya oke smua, ive read all hehe.. and i'm agree of ur perspective of pain, its forgiven but not fotgoten.. huhu well like u said this is life..